Quidlibet Research provides its basic cost analysis services where firms have to manage multiple vendors, multiple offi ces, and/or multiple types of telecom services.
We gather telecom contracts and invoices, analyze costs and compare the costs across fi rms of similar nature and size;
We provide a report that describes contract elements and invoice line items;
We detail any cost savings opportunities, often 20% savings or more;
We help firms design more favorable contracts based on opportunities revealed from analysis, levels of service used in the past, and those required for the future;
We coach firms on negotiating or renegotiating contracts with vendors of all service types;
We provide different levels of assistance for the negotiation of services and equipment, depending on the level of QRI services requested by the firm;
We customize our services only to the unique qualities of our individual clients and their strategic needs. We provide no boiler plate solutions;
We help all of our clients eliminate redundant and excessive resources;
We help all of our clients eliminate unprofitable service plans and eliminate unnecessary and ineffi cient equipment and plans, replacing what is unused or out of date.
Our services are non-invasive and require little client staff time.
The process can take anywhere from three to six months depending on contract renewal dates.