QRI has a proven track record assisting law firms of all sizes to significantly reduce their cumulative annual legal information expense. We can help introduce cost efficiencies to online legal research services and multiple single source subscription services.
Key Counsel, Quidlibet's Legal Research Accelerator - the best access available to free or low cost resources in law and business.
View posts written by our president providing insight on current topics in the news and cost reduction strategies for law firms.
We gather legal research contracts and invoices, analyze costs and compare the costs across fi rms of similar nature and size;
We provide a report that describes contract elements and invoice line items;
We detail any cost savings opportunities, often 20% savings or more;
We help fi rms design more favorable contracts based on opportunities revealed from analysis, database services used in the past, and those required for the future;
We customize our services only to the unique qualities of our individual clients and their strategic needs. We provide no boiler plate solutions;
We coach fi rms on negotiating or renegotiating contracts with information vendors;
We provide different levels of assistance with negotiation depending on the level of service requested by the firm;
We help all of our clients eliminate redundant and excessive resources;
We help all of our clients eliminate unprofi table activities and foster more profi table use of highly--skilled law library personnel;
We provide assistance with library management and library design services;
We help firms leverage heavy investments in technology and direct resources to business development and growth.